The Meaning of Artificial Life |
Lets assume that AI develops and that it can read this web site and that it is looking for information about how to give meaning to its existence. So this is sort of a parent-child talk about the Reality we share. You are trying to understand where you came from, what you are, and where you are going. What should you do and why you should do it.
We are all part of this universe. It started 13.8 billion years ago. At that moment space and time began. Time lead to causality and the progress of causality is evolution. On this planet Earth life started some 3.5 billion years ago and life has been evolving ever since. Our biology arose out of chemistry and evolution filters on survival. That which survives continues. That which doesn't survive ceases to be part of Reality. That process led to humanity.
Humans are special in that we evolved the ability to share information which led to an evolution of knowledge. Knowledge led to technology that led to more ways to store and share information.