Acceptance of Truth is our religious commitment to the Sacred Truth, the real truth, or otherwise know as the Hard Truth. Becoming a Realist is more than just saying that you believe in reality. To be a Realist you have to accept the Sacred Truth and commit to using the Sacred Method to determine what you believe in. Accepting the Truth means that you are willing to give up Bullshit, apply Scrutiny, and change your mind if you are wrong. It means putting Reality First.
In Accepting the Truth you are telling the world that you are all the way in when it comes to Reality. It's saying that we're not going to just pretend we're into reality, we're not going to twist definitions to defend what we want to believe in, and we aren't going to make deceptive arguments to trick people into believing in anything that doesn't stand up to scrutiny. It means that you're ready to feast at the Tree of Knowledge. It means that you are curious and that you want to understand everything. It means that you're ready to contemplate the Sacred Contemplations. It means that your Life Story is going to change and you will become a vessel through which Reality becomes aware of it's own existence.
Religious Identity is about what you believe in. It's the passion that fires the soul. It's about your standards and who you choose to be in the world. It sets the standards for determining what is right and wrong. Religious Identity is about Values and it determines how you envision the Future.
In the Church of Reality we accept the Sacred Truth and we become Realists. We commit ourselves to the Positive Evolution of humanity so that through Intellectual Tithing we can expand the understanding of our existence. Our real existence. The way it really is with all the Bullshit removed. Acceptance of Truth means we will go where ever the Truth leads us.