The Sacred Challenge is to challenge other religions and other belief systems on the basis of if what they believe is real. It is not necessary to convert the world to Realism but one of the missions of the Church of Reality is to raise the importance of reality in the minds of our neighbors of different faiths. We feel that challenging religions on the basis of reality improves their religions and helps make the world safer and saner for everyone. Religions that get too far away from reality can become a menace to the world. They might think that God wants them to be terrorists - or God wants them to start a war. We believe that faith with eyes open is better than blind faith.
The Sacred Challenge comes down to a simple question that this church asks of other religions. The question is - "There are many faiths who all believe that their faith is the true one - and that they are directly inspired by God and other miracles as written in various holy books. Yet these faiths believe different and conflicting things. Clearly some of these religions have to have it wrong - yet their beliefs are as deeply rooted as your own. How do you know that what you believe in is real? How do you know that you are a member of the true religion and that some other religion isn't real and you are just being fooled? How do you know you are the one that is right?"
Of course - as Realists - the Sacred Challenge applies to us more than anyone else. Should this church ever abandoned reality - it should be dissolved. And to that end the Church of Reality has established the Principle of Self Scrutiny as one of its Sacred Principles to always challenge ourselves as to what really is real.