The Sacred Direction is to move forward, to evolve in a positive direction, to go from worse to better. It is to grow - not shrink - the Tree of Knowledge. It is to look forward into the future and not be stuck in the past. We choose to move onward and upward. We seek progress. We shun setbacks.
The Sacred Direction is a religious choice that separates the Church of Reality from pure science. In pure science the universe is stars exploding and rocks in space bumping into each other. This planet is but a speck of dust in a galaxy of billions of stars in a universe of trillions of galaxies. And our short lives are but an instant in time. If this Milky Way galaxy were to explode tomorrow - it would take 2.2 million years before anyone in the next galaxy knew about it - assuming there is an anyone in the next galaxy to know it. In pure science, whether we progress or annihilate ourselves makes no difference. Whatever happens is whatever happens.
It boggles the mind to comprehend how totally insignificant we are in the cosmic scale of things. However - as Realists practicing Realism - we make a choice to evolve in a positive direction. We decide that our existence is significant at least to us and that progressing forward is better than extinction and annihilation. These choices are arbitrary choices we make based on our own (selfish) perspective. And because these choices are arbitrary - they are in fact religious choices.
We as Realists have chosen to separate "right" from "wrong" and to put value in progressing forward. These are the Sacred Choices that we make, and these sacred choices lead to our Sacred Principles, all of which ultimately come down to our decision to move in the Sacred Direction. The sacred direction is our core religious belief that becomes the basis for our moral values. The Sacred Direction is what establishes the Church of Reality as a religion as opposed to a branch of science.