"What is Real?" (Also known as The First Question) Variations of the Sacred Question include, "Is this Real?" and - to a lesser extent - any question that tests any assertion on the basis of reality. The Sacred Question embodies the very reason for the existence of the Church of Reality.
A common misconception about the Church of Reality is the idea that the Church of Reality has all the answers. The Church of Reality is not here to answer the question "What is Real?" but rather to make a religious commitment to asking the question and making Reality the standard. We put Reality First.
It is up to science and exploration to answer the question of what is real using the Sacred Method commonly known as the Scientific Method. The Church of Reality is about the asking of the question. We are Explorers not Followers. We don't believe based on Faith. When one is Living in the Truth one asks the Sacred Question.
We as Realists have made a personal commitment to the pursuit of reality the way it really is. This choice is a religious choice. Other religions have made the religious choice to dedicate their lives to fiction and mythological beliefs, what we call Worshiping a False Truth. The Sacred Question defines who we are as a religion and is the core concept of our Religious Identity. The question sends the Sacred Message that we believe that reality is important and that we want to elevate the status of reality in the collective group mind. We ask the Sacred Question as an expression of our core beliefs and to express our moral conviction that the pursuit of reality the way it really is is better than the Path of Illusion or Worshiping a False Truth. To ask the question gives importance to pursuing the answer.