We Choose the Sacred Direction - Forward |
The Sacred Direction is forward - onward and upward. Our world view is Futurism not Dogmatism. Our Principle of Positive Evolution commits us to envision a future that is better than today. We are one planet and we are all in this together on our little ball in the universe. In order to answer the Sacred Question and explore our reality, society must evolve forward.
In order for us to explore reality the way it really is, we have to continue to evolve forward. We need to become a better society. We need to develop new technology. We need to find better ways to feed ourselves, to cure diseases, to keep our environment clean, to advance the sciences, to educate our children, to understand our minds, to live in peace with one another, and to have a fair and just society. These things cause us to progress and to move forward as a human race so that we can understand our world and the universe of which we are a part.
Our commitment to exploring the real world as it really is, and to understand the true nature of the real world can not be achieved without positive evolution. In fact, positive evolution and the exploration of reality are really the same thing. As we explore reality we evolve forward. The more we evolve forward, the better we can explore reality. The two can not be separated, which is why the Principle of Positive Evolution is so central to our core beliefs.
It's not just believing that the future will be better than today. We are committed to making sure that the future is better than today.
The Principle of Positive Evolution is not just a belief that the world will be better in the future. In fact, we don't know what the future will bring. The Principle of Positive evolution is a commitment by our members to do what it takes to make positive evolution happen. This includes spreading the concept of positive evolution as an alternative to Armageddon and fighting against the way the Extinctionists envision the future. If people believe in the end of the world as something that is coming, then it is more likely to happen than if people commit to positive evolution.
To be a Realist is to take responsibility for the future so that we leave the world better than it was when we came into it.
What makes the Sacred Direction sacred is that it is the path to life. It is a commitment that we as the human race make to ourselves to continue to exist. It is a commitment that we make to our children and to future generations that we will leave the world in better shape than when we entered it, so that who we are is added to the Tree of Knowledge, and that we live through the tree.
We as individuals are like the cells in our body. We have cells that are created, they live their lives doing their job, and then they pass on. But the body lives because of what these generations of cells do. We are like the cells of the human race. We exist for a time and then we are gone. But the greater being of which we are a part lives on and grows into something more wondrous with each generation. We are part of something greater than ourselves. But what we are becoming is beyond what we can imagine. In our commitment to moving forward, we commit to making sure that our wondrous future will happen and that the Extinctionists will not prevail.